Manage your favorite recipes online

Build your private cookbook by gathering recipes on the web and using the import features.

Try it for free

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Search new recipes

Use our search engines to find a new recipe on one of the various cooking websites we support.

Easily create unique and personalized recipes with ChatGPT's AI-powered recipe generator.

Or find recipes from your friends cookbooks.

Import your favorite recipes

Add your own recipes manually. Use our bookmarklet to import a recipe from the web. Scan your recipes from your favorite books, magazines. Or import your digital cookbook using one of the file formats we support like Meal Master (.mmf), MasterCook (.mxp), LivingCookBook (.fdx) , Rezkonv (.rk)...

Access your recipes everywhere

Your recipes are stored in the cloud and will be available on your computer, your tablet or your mobile. You can also synchronize your account with our android application.

Plan your meals

Create your weekly or monthly meal plans. Drag your recipes in your calendar, change servings and create your shopping lists.

Create your shopping lists

Create shopping lists from your recipes or your meal planner.

Share your favorite recipes with your friends

Invite your friends to join COOKmate, share your recipes with them and view their recipes. Or share your recipes on Facebook or by email, sms, and others.


Basic free account

  • Limited to 60 recipes
  • Limited to 1 shopping list
  • Receive 10 credits per month
  • Ads

Premium account

6€/quarter or 20€/year Or 6$/quarter or 20$/year
  • Unlimited recipes
  • Unlimited shopping lists
  • Unlimited imports
  • Receive 200 credits per month
  • No ads
  • Scale your recipes

Increase your number of recipes and shopping lists for free

  • Install COOKmate Pro on your Android device
    20 recipes
  • Invite up to 5 friends to join COOKmate
    5 recipes and 1 shopping list per friend